In most criminal drug cases in Philadelphia, there are two common charges or offenses: Possession of a Controlled Substance and Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver.
Pennsylvania Second Degree Murder (AKA: Felony Murder) Law
In most criminal drug cases in Philadelphia, there are two common charges or offenses: Possession of a Controlled Substance and Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver.
Philadelphia Murder Cases – Police Investigation Tactics
Within the last 10 years, there have been several murder Philadelphia criminal cases in which the accused individuals were acquitted of the crimes.
Murder Charges in Pennsylvania – Murder Law in Pennsylvania
First degree murder carries the most significant sentence in Pennsylvania – death or life in prison without parole.
Constitutional Rights in Criminal Cases
Mr. Nenner is a Philadelphia criminal lawyer with over 30 years of experience representing defendants in major felony matters such as murder, drug dealing, gun possession, etc.
Sentencing for 1st Degree Murder in PA
If you or a loved one is facing murder charges in Philadelphia or the surrounding counties, please contact our law firm for a free consultation.
Driving Equality Bill Passed in Philadelphia, Limiting Traffic Stops for Blacks and Latinos (Nov. 2021)
Historically, Philadelphia residents of color are pulled over for minor traffic violations more often than white residents.
Pennsylvania Post Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) Petition – Ineffective Assistance of Counsel (IAC) During Plea Bargaining
Defendants in Philadelphia criminal cases who are convicted of a crime in Pennsylvania may file a Pennsylvania Post Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) petition to appeal the conviction.
Philadelphia Criminal Trials – Evidence Pointing to Another Perpetrator in Drug Possession or Drug Manufacture Cases
In criminal trials in Philadelphia, one pretty common defense tactic is pointing the finger at another person at trial.
Philadelphia Murder & Gun Possession Cases Increasing in 2021 – A Look at Common Charges & Defenses
The number of criminal cases involving murder and gun possession have skyrocketed in Philadelphia since 2020.