Last year, several Philadelphia Police officers were acquitted of corruption charges by a federal jury. However, this month, 50 more Philadelphia criminal cases were tossed, despite the acquittals. Visit for the latest, “51 more tainted Philadelphia drug cases tossed”.
Corrupt police officers are a stain on the criminal justice system, and in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey, there have been multiple cases of police corruption in recent years. Multiple officers have been arrested, and many have been convicted of stealing money and drugs during arrests. The conduct is absolutely shocking: from lying on affidavits of probable cause to planting evidence.
Over the past 2-3 years, multiple Philadelphia police officers have been caught engaging in corrupt conduct. In 2013, former Philadelphia police officer Jeffrey Walker was charged with stealing money and drugs from drug dealers. He eventually confessed.
For obvious reasons, police officers who are known to be liars and thieves have serious credibility problems. Every criminal case these officers have been involved in can be called into question. Did they plant evidence? Did they lie about evidence? Did they lie on an affidavit of probable cause?
If you are facing criminal charges in the Philadelphia area or in New Jersey and you believe a police officer involved in your case engaged in corrupt conduct, please contact our law firm for a free consultation at (215) 564-0644.
Below you will find articles related to the problem of police corruption in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. These articles are for information only.
- Police Corruption in Philadelphia – The Extent of the Problem (Recent Cases in 2015) (March 9, 2015) Corruption continues to plague the Philadelphia Police Department. Read about 4 more police officers caught up in corruption charges.
- Corruption in Philadelphia’s Police Department & Filing Criminal Appeals/PCRA Petitions in PA (December 3, 2014) If you’ve been convicted in a Philadelphia criminal case and believe one of the police officers involved in your case was corrupt, what should you do? Read this article to learn about how police corruption is raised in an appeal or Pennsylvania Post-Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) petition.
- The Problem of Police Corruption in Criminal Cases in Pennsylvania (October 7th, 2014) Pennsylvania has seen its fair share of police corruption cases. Police corruption violates a defendant’s due process rights. How can you prove police corruption in a Philadelphia criminal case?
- How Police Corruption Affects Your Philadelphia Criminal Case (September 22, 2014) What can you do if you suspect that a police officer was corrupt in your criminal case? Investigation is key. Your criminal lawyer should try to uncover evidence which shows corruption.
- Philadelphia Murder Cases – Police Investigation Tactics (July 22, 2014) Police investigation tactics by the Philadelphia police have come under a microscope after false confessions have been thrown out in some high profile cases.
- False Confessions in Pennsylvania Criminal Cases (July 1, 2014) Learn about false confessions in criminal cases in PA. How do false confessions happen? Individuals who are undereducated, mentally ill or have learning disabilities often give false confessions. What can you do about a false confession in a PA criminal case?
- Brady Violations & Newly Discovered Evidence – Exceptions to Pennsylvania’s 1 Year PCRA Petition Law (June 13, 2014) Brady violations are frequently raised in criminal appeals and PCRA petitions. A Brady violation alleges misconduct on the part of the prosecution, and if the evidence is sufficient, a conviction can be overturned.
- The Camden NJ Police Corruption Scandal in Criminal Drug/Gun Cases (May 19, 2014) Police corruption is a major problem in many criminal cases in Philadelphia and Camden, NJ. In 2010, police officers in Camden, NJ who were members of the drug unit were arrested and convicted of various corruption charges.
- Philadelphia PA Drug Cases Thrown Out Due to Corruption in Philadelphia’s Police Department (March 12, 2014) In 2013, about 10 Philadelphia police officers were investigated for corruption. One of those officers, Jeffrey Walker, confessed after being arrested for stealing thousands of dollars from the people he arrested. Can the Philadelphia Police Department’s narcotics division be trusted?
If you believe that your criminal case was affected by police corruption, time is of the essence. You should contact a lawyer ASAP. You should speak to a lawyer with experience handling appeals or PCRA petitions. Please call our lawyers for a FREE CONSULTATION. (215) 564-0644
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